Why choose The Bread Factory? Why choose The Bread Factory?

Why choose The Bread Factory?

Our Story

In 1993, our founder, Gail Stephens, sought to revolutionise industrialised baking practices by returning to traditional methods. She believed in baking bread as it once was—by hand, with high-quality ingredients, and using time-worn artisanal techniques.

Since those early days, when Gail united a group of London’s finest bakers, we have come a long way.

However, the core elements that matter most—our ethos, our suppliers, our skill, and our decades-old sourdough starter cultures—remain unchanged. We continue to produce many of the original breads from our inception while also introducing a variety of new breads, viennoiserie, and cakes each day.

Our commitment extends beyond London, as we proudly deliver to some of the best chefs and retailers, expanding our reach further afield.

Over 25 years after our founding, we remain dedicated to our original mission: to provide more people with better access to the highest quality baked goods.

To learn more about our product range, please click here.

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